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We have always clear the word fitness. w.e use it ourselves when we are say loca.tion like;- health is well and fitness is the key. What does the word fitness is a really mean! it mea.ns 'the idea of being good'. We call a person healthy and fit when he is functioning well bith phsically and mentally.

Factors affe.cting our health and well Being:-

Good health and fitness in not something we can achive on our own. Its is depends on their physicall nat.ure and the quality of food input. we live in Town, Village and cities. These places effect on our physical and enviromantal h.eatlh. Therfore, our social duty for a violation free enviroment attck affect our health. Daily Habits also Determind ou.r fitness level. Good food air, water to help increse our fitness level.

Effect Of Exer.cise On Our Health:-

Regular Excersie helps improve our mus.cle strength. Exercise in good take a oxygenation and flow the blood throughout the body. The lungs and hea.rt work efficiently. Our joints have pain free mov.ment and bones are strong.

We should spend thirty min.utes in exercise daily. Daily morning walk improves our fitness level. We should avoid the summer days gym activites. Diffrent g.ames like circket, football, hocky and etc keep body fit. These exercise burns our f.ats and control cholesterol level in the body.

Contemplation Y.oga and Health:-

Contemplation and Yoga have been a pa.rt of a life ancident times. They not keep us phsycially mentally strong and also fit. Contemplation improve our Concentration levels. Our mind thinking level positive and gets calm.

Healthy body is a key healthy mind. Yoga improves makes a stressfree and survival power of the mind. Yoga Cont.roll the blood pre.ssure. yoga make strong bond with nature unchanging. Contemplation is the best way to fight depression.

Role Nu.tritious Food Our Health and Fitness:-

Where fitness start the first thing about is food. We .take nutritious. food. Ensential rich protein vitamins, carbohyd.rates and minerals. Body gro.wth essential is protien. However eating up and down amount is not good for the body. Consuming essential nutrients in appropiate amount is blance diet.

Involve vegetabel's, fruit's and heartbeat in daily diet. Thre.e course m.eal is a must.Having exfoliation helps in body cleaning the internel organs. Healthy eating habits prevents various diseases. Reducing the fat of amount in the diet diseases cholesterol and heart againt protect.


when you fit and healthy you happy in our life. The healthy mind solve the problems in a perssure Satutaion.You fit and healthy diseases not attack in your body parts. Confidence level incresed.Heart failure is red.uced and incresed prot.ection power body could fight cancerous cells. Regular excersie decreased the fracture of the intensity.