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Every one react differently to str.ess and handle his own way. Learning how to handle stress properly can help our mantel and physical well-being. Managing stress help you lead much healthier life. Stress management is good. for our work and life growth.. Stress management good for our social life.

How Str.ess Affect Us

Stress affect our body and mind both simultaneously because of that our work family and social life af.fect badly. Stress can make you physical very ill. Stress can affect your work pr.ogress and if you cannot manage your stress it will destroy your life bon riper.

Stress .Management Socially

To manage your stress you n.eed to socially active. Stress management easy when you socially active and talk to other people. Talking with other people help.s you to positive thinking and throw out negativity. Witch can lead your life to a right path.

Mentel wel.lness

Mantel wellness geves you a s.ense of stability and self-confidence dignity and mantel wellness give you a acceptance and respect for others. Mantel wellness is very important part of ou.r life. It can make you problem solving parson without it you. are become anti-social parson and relize the stree and make a cool down and then you good dicission in your life.

How Release The stress

Release the stress you join the exercise and workout daily you release the stress and relax the body the a good decission in our life. You on stress that you can not make a good decission. So you chose these part you make a relax and take a good decission i.n your life.


Stress management it very import.ant that you make yourself exercise eat healthy and positive activities. So you can cool of your mind and be happier. It very crucial to make some changes in your lifestyle. In exercise you can healthy and relaxing exercises in wi.tch yoga and meditation. Or those activates witch can make you happy.